

 Please enjoy my snaps and little stories. Hope you have a nice stay!

And The Record Played: Racism, the Song We’ve Often Ignored

And The Record Played: Racism, the Song We’ve Often Ignored

We are severely missing the point. 

Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday….

Oh but go back. Go back to the spot of the record the needle should point and replay. 

How many days must go by before we recognize and stay? Oh, but how many years….

“I can’t breathe”, George Floyd said. And you reach for the sleeve. 

No reaction. 

A switch of the vinyl, called looting and rioting. The record sighs. We see emotions rise. It’s warped, skipping over the part where a man was murdered and suffocated at the hand of a Police Officer.

The lack of recognition.

The inaction.

The loud screech - yet you do not hear it. 

It’s actually deafening. 

As the insulation of your comfort broke, you came, taking a stand against destroying property. It has to stop - stop stop stop - you say. Where was that record when George cried out? Oppression of 400 years continues to play.

Can we rewind?

How do we continue to play the record that’s filed behind: “racism isn’t a problem”.

We’re past due for a new groove.

What does it take for us to stop the record and scream out against injustice?

I beg of you. Stop. Stop.

Stop the record. 

Stop and consider. Stop your own narrative in your head. 

Consider. Consider another.

Look outside of yourself. 

Start over. 

“You have to get over the fear of facing the worst in yourself. You should instead fear unexamined racism. Fear the thought that right now, you could be contributing to the oppression of others and you don’t know it. But do not fear those who bring that oppression to light. Do not fear the opportunity to do better” - Ijeoma Oluo

The Paradox of Not Having the Answers

The Paradox of Not Having the Answers

Choosing to be Happy During Times of Loss

Choosing to be Happy During Times of Loss