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Work from Home Checklist - 9 Ways to Stay Motivated Working from Home

Many of us are working from home this year. As we count our blessings that we’re employed, we cannot ignore the fact that working from home can sometimes be monotonous and lonely. 
Even before the pandemic, I worked from home a lot. However, I was constantly out visiting clients, collaborating with others at my business center or driving to a variety of coffee shops to get work done. There were so many options to break up the days. 

2020 is different. It can be frustrating when you feel like the energy, sense of collaboration and connection is lacking when working from home. Or, maybe you’re up to your ears juggling all the demands that life has on you while telecommuting: Zoom school for the kids, your spouse working in the other room, etc. The day might come to an end and you just need to escape! 

I discovered a variety of ways to help combat feeling alone and isolated at home:

Collaborate with Coworkers

  • Hop on a WebEx with a coworker to discuss work projects or just to catch up. Imagine all the time that you spent in the break room chatting about the weekend and how many opportunities are missed now. You’ll be amazed how just a little 5 minute chat might lift your spirits! 

Sign up for LunchClub

  • LunchClub makes introductions for one-on-one video meetings to advance your career. Tell LunchClub about your background, goals and interests, and each week you can meet with up to three connections. LunchClub is invitation only, so if you’d like to be invited, please email me via my homepage, or DM me on instagram. I’d love to get you connected! This platform has really helped satiate my need to network and connect with other creative minds. 

Book a Meeting Room 

  • Pretty sure all of us are in need of a “change of scenery” and a new space to get creative juices flowing. FEMX Quarters is a co-creating hub with open space to dream, create and connect. Get a free Day Pass here, and explore the different memberships available.

Listen to an Inspiring Podcast

  • My go-to for the last couple of years has been the Second Life Podcast. I’ve mentioned this pod in previous posts, inspired by the way they talk about pivoting. It’s normal that many of us find ourselves at a career crossroads at some point in our lifetime. This pod is especially inspiring to people who are discovering new ways to make money from home or were forced to pivot during this difficult year.

Watch an Inspirational Show

  • Chef’s Table is such a dynamic and cinematic show that it’s bound to provide you with instant inspiration. I’ve really enjoyed watching each Chef face difficulty head on and creatively problem solve. A fiery experience (no pun intended) for anyone who enjoys creativity in cooking and watching others persevere through hardships. It might be just the energy you need to face those uphill battles with your own job. 

Blast Dance Music 

  • A few months ago, when the quiet began to be deafening, I thought - I really need something to put a pep in my step! Well, I turned to Apple Music and their Dance Pop Hits playlist. I was hooked! The thrill of the beat and the euphoric feeling it gave me was enough to bring me delight. Becky Hill has really been my jam too. I bring the club to my office chair!

Join a Friend’s Workout Class

  • For most of my adult life, my workouts have been self-motivated. I don't normally go to workout classes. This year, I started consistently taking spin with friends and now I see what the draw is! The energy and excitement is enough to make your day, or week! REVEL Fit Club outdoor workouts in the Pacific Beach area have also been a fun outlet for me. Ask to join a friend for spin or another workout class they enjoy.

Support Your Local Dance Studio

  • The arts are really struggling right now. If you love to dance, support your local dance studio! My fav studio I’ve been going to since they opened in 2003, is Culture Shock Dance Studio. I supported them this year when they started to struggle due to the shutdowns. The day before Thanksgiving, I was gutted to hear that they were shutting their doors. They just couldn’t make it through this second shutdown. I couldn’t stop crying. It’s horrible that studios like Culture Shock have to take such a hit. It was a refuge to so many people who either love to perform or just love to dance. So please, support your local studio so that they can continue to do business and provide joy to so many. 

And lastly….

Rent the Runway!!!

  • Rent the Runway has been one of my main sources of joy throughout this year. I absolutely love that I can go online, choose a few different outfits and they arrive at my doorstep within just a few days. I can choose to rock a look at home, on a company WebEx call or out with friends. RTR recently became even more accessible for us in San Diego and smaller cities around the USA. Now, we can drop off our rented items at the nearest Nordstrom, which enables us to rent again right away. If you want joy in your mailbox and on your body each week, use my code RTRFAM3086EF5 for 40% OFF 2 months of RTR’s 8 and 16 item plans. 

Outfit Details: Marissa Webb Collective Green Leopard Dress