

 Please enjoy my snaps and little stories. Hope you have a nice stay!

Challenge Your Perspective

Challenge Your Perspective

It’s so easy to get stuck in a routine. To repeat the same thing day in and day out. While routines are good and can keep us consistent to gain great results; sometimes certain routines come with a limited frame of mind. In turn, that frame of mind can result in you becoming stuck.

Rather than making small incremental changes due to the consistency of a great routine, you allow a mindset to rule you. Before I left for my trip, I confined myself to a certain mindset and I allowed that mindset to rule everything I did.

Think of a workout plan: If you do the same routine for 6 weeks straight with no weight variation, your body will begin to plateau. Now you aren’t getting the results you wanted. So what do you do? When you reach that plateau, you must switch up your routine! Same with everyday life. To stretch your mind, weed out of the mundane and lean into new possibilities. 

I don’t know about you, but the moment I get on a plane I forget any worry or bundle of thoughts I’ve had that day. That week. Or that month. It’s literally time for me to decompress, release everything and take off to another land. You think that everything in the little corner of your world matters so much. And then you see what else is out there!

We live in a big, big world!

I always say it’s important to escape the ignorance of your own four walls. What I mean is, just exposing yourself to other options. That doesn’t mean you need to traverse more than 6,000 miles to Italy like I did. You can do this simply by going to another part of your county. Just like I spoke about in this post, there are many ways to switch up your daily routine for free.

Widening your scope to reach a better perspective and a more enriched existence is a benefit to yourself, as well as to others.


ZARA Green Polka Dot Dress (from July Sale). Similar here: Shein - one, two, three and four.

Anacapri: A Charming Side of Capri

Anacapri: A Charming Side of Capri

5 Places to Enjoy a Cold Treat in San Diego

5 Places to Enjoy a Cold Treat in San Diego